Is Mother Superior a joke?

If Renton’s character is in question (see previous blog), Johnny Swan (nickname Mother Superior) as a real character is barely even there! In the film he is mainly seen in his lurid, semi-derelict den, fulfilling the public perception of his trade as a dealer....

Is Renton a real character?

The more I look at all the character Renton does in the film, I wonder if he doesn’t collapse under his own weight and if we are left with McGregor playing only a series of roles within the same persona. He begins the film, he punctuates it at the key moments,...

A big push needed…

I’ve emailed my correspondents with a link to the documentary which you can view online till the end of February 2013 at Now what’s needed is a push to finish the book. At present I’m...

Trainspotting in Leith in Dutch screened the Trainspotting episode of their series of films on location last night, 27 January.You can see it on I will be very interested in any comments you might like to post in the Guest Book.