The perfect Christmas present

Wishing all my readers out there a very merry Christmas. ‘Merry’ is the right word – it doesn’t mean getting smashed on alcohol or other pyscho-active substances. It means putting the cares of the world aside, if only for a day or two. And if...


That was a month! Exactly a month on from the launch of CHOOSE LIFE. CHOOSE LEITH, I have taken around one hundred people on the tour  – here’s a link to a comment on the tour (I’m not sure why they call me ‘Mr Cook’) and shifted around fifty books. Here it is...


I’m spending my last weekend as an unpublished author. The final proof is away to the printer, the launch party is on Thursday – come if you can – and August will be busy with three Trainspotting tours a week. If you’ve been on a tour you’ll recognise the front cover....
Of tours and books.

Of tours and books.

Well, wasn’t that a good Leith Festival? It’s lovely to see everyone out and enjoying the cosmopolitan community that Leith is. On a personal note, thanks to everyone who came on the Trainspotting tours, about forty over three evenings. The tours are...