
Here is my reply to my SNP MSP email to me, in the previous blog. Lines from his are in italics. …you’ve passionately put forward your point of view… Well, passion may be part of his repertoire, but I prefer stone-cold sober analysis and assessment. The matter in hand...

This is the best they can do…

Somewhat unexpectedly, a reply has come from my SNP MSP, given here in full (omitting only some courtesies). It came almost two weeks ago, just before I was leaving home, or it would have been up earlier – no disrespect intended. I will post my reply in the next...

The gamble of a referendum

Oh dear, I just can’t used to how bad the SNP really is. The persistent calls for the right to call a referendum when they want to inspired this letter to the Herald, and it was published last week. I was hoping to start a rammy, but there’s been no...

It’s coming yet for a’ that

No, not a tribute to the Bard and his call for egalitarianism in his revolutionary poem A Man’s A Man For A’ That, although we increasingly look forward to the day when this ghastly, dysfunctional, unrepresentative, sense-of-entitlement...