Welcome to Leith Walks, home of the original Trainspotting Tours and the book Choose Life. Choose Leith: Trainspotting on Location by Tim Bell, published by Luath Press.
The tours: engaging, intelligent, entertaining, heart-breaking, well-informed in every part of the Trainspotting Phenomenon. COMMENTS >>
The book: comprehensive, hugely informative, ground-breaking, very read-able, the only serious commentary, analysis and introduction to Trainspotting the book, the play and the film. EXCERPTS AND REVIEWS >>

From the Blog
An open letter to my SNP candidate
Dear Ben, I was pleased to see you and the other candidates at the Leith Churches Together hustings last evening. Talking it over with church friends – not party friends – this morning, there is some consensus about the most disgraceful thing said: when you said that...
read moreTheir only way is down.
Not content with reaping the ill-gotten gains of the iniquitous first-past-the-post (FPTP) voting arrangements for Westminster (if they were iniquitous when Labour was the beneficiary, they are still iniquitous), Alex Salmond is now gaming the voting arrangements for...
read moreThe tide is going out…
I don't think I'm complacent, but I do think there's almost no danger of IndyRef2 and Scottish separation from rUK for the forseeable. The SNP may have a majority at Holyrood after May, but there are big doubts about that and at any rate it is unlikely to be...
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