Welcome to Leith Walks, home of the original Trainspotting Tours and the book Choose Life. Choose Leith: Trainspotting on Location by Tim Bell, published by Luath Press.
The tours: engaging, intelligent, entertaining, heart-breaking, well-informed in every part of the Trainspotting Phenomenon. COMMENTS >>
The book: comprehensive, hugely informative, ground-breaking, very read-able, the only serious commentary, analysis and introduction to Trainspotting the book, the play and the film. EXCERPTS AND REVIEWS >>

From the Blog
Twenty-five years on…
Date: 23 February, 1996. Scene: Glasgow Filmhouse. Action: premiere of Trainspotting. Effects: the birth of a cultural and box office fireball. Reactions were mixed: Trainspotting has a shallow, joyless ring... it embraces a new soulless addiction to materialism......
read moreIs it AYE or NAW? Rabbie the Bard knows it’s more subtle than that
Here's a letter I sent to The Scotsman but it wasn't published. There's a bit of a rush to set out the pitch for the Holyrood elections.There is an academic piece saying that the EU is under no obligation to accept into membership any "state" whose government does not...
read more“Independence” indeed!
Well, it's not every day you get a letter published in The GuardianĀ The very idea that a win on a day, like a cup final or a medieval battle at Bannockburn, resolves complex issues needs to be full-on refuted. Secondly, the very idea that creating more borders on this...
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