That’s journos for you.

Well, you win some, you don’t win ’em all. I had a very good morning with a journo from der Tagesspiegel (Daily Mirror), Berlin last month. See what he wrote here. My German isn’t too great, but I get the gist. Apparently I’m the supreme...

An open letter to my MSP

While admiring Nicola Sturgeon’s exquisite timing in announcing her intention to call for a second IndyRef, and thrilled at the way Theresa May was forced to say it was madness to cut ties with your nearest neighbours (it reminded me of something, couldn’t...

A month of T2 tours

Thanks to all who came on the T2 special tours, almost 30 folk. Actually, although T2 inevitably comes into the conversation as we go round, this isn’t really a T2 tour at all. Starting at The Black Bull and the Calton archway, which features in both films is...

T2. It’s good. Very good.

Just had the thrill of seeing T2 on the first day of general release, here in Leith, where Porno is set, but not a lot of the film is shot here. I don’t like multi-plexes, but 40 years ago Henry Robb’s shipyard stood right where we were sitting in comfort...

We’re all getting excited.

Well, a very interesting time was had on the weekend of the premiere of T2. There was me taking a tour for my punters, with Radio Forth and Sky Entertainment in tow. My ideas of where to go and what to say went out of the window. See production teams? My punters...

Trainspotting update – and it’s not just T2

All eyes this weekend are on Cineworld, Fountainbridge Edinburgh as T2 premieres tomorrow evening. More on that anon. Nice, eh? Looks like Begbie, but at the games machines they have there now, not the pool table. It’s not just Danny Boyle who has to keep up....

Blwyddyn newydd dda

OK, I’m staying with the Welsh theme – you’ll have to translate the heading yourself – although I’m back in the homeland now and I’ve had a couple of excellent tours over the Hogmanay. The level of knowledge and enthusiasm is...

Nadolig Llawen

From the Principality of Wales I send my very best wishes for Christmas to you all on this winter solstice day of 2016. The sun is overhead at the Tropic of Capricorn today, so from now on it gets lighter and warmer all the way to the next cricket season. Thinking of...

Don’t get mad. Get even.

Oh dear me. First Brexit, then Trump. The fact that the pundits didn’t see either coming means the databases they were using were out of date. Something big has happened. But let’s not get mad. Let’s get even. It’s inequality at the bottom of...

Excessive greed and petty nationalism

Time to take a wee break from the book. I’m hoping there may be something to report in the New Year. Let’s get back to the real business: the Scottish political scene. Watching an STV discussion programme the other evening I was struck once again by the...